Define and design a desirable user experience for co-workers learning in the workflow
Inter IKEA ∙ UX designer ∙ 1 year and 6 months
Design online applications for civil servants to organize the state exams and for citizens to apply for an exam.
Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs ∙ UX / Interaction designer ∙ 3 years
Improve the user experience of the Energy21 platform and share UX skills and knowledge with Energy21 consultants.
Energy21 ∙ UX / Interaction designer & trainer ∙ 6 months
Set-up a design system, and improve and extend existing products.
ZorgDomein ∙ UX / Interaction designer ∙ 1 year and 3 months
Improve products for payroll professionals and enhance the product design system.
Raet ∙ UX / Interaction designer ∙ 1 year
Improve online services for employers by fitting UX design in the agile development process.
PGGM ∙ UX / Interaction designer & Interim product owner ∙ 7 months
Analyse and design online services for claims management for a Korean based client.
SAP ∙ Lead UX designer for claims management in an international team ∙ 1 year
Optimize online banking and related applications with focus on business customers.
ING ∙ UX / Interaction designer & Lead for business customer projects ∙ 1 year and 8 months

Concept design of new online services for the unemployed and the disabled.
UWV ∙ UX / Interaction designer in a design team; lead for prototyping ∙ 4 months

Show how design methods can make service values tangible.
Achmea ∙ UX / Interaction designer in a team with other UX designers ∙ 2 months

Concept & detail design of customer and employee portals and design components.
Centraal Beheer ∙ Interaction designer in a team with other interaction designers; team lead ∙ 1 year and 8 months

Prototype and specify a video collection for the "Even Apeldoorn bellen" campaigns.
Centraal Beheer ∙ Interaction designer, working together with a front-end developer ∙ 4 months

Concept and detail design of the online customer portal.
FBTO ∙ Interaction designer on a design team ∙ 1 year and 6 months

Specify a design process for the Informaat Interactive Prototyping Environment.
Informaat ∙ Interaction designer and content designer ∙ 10 months

Development of guidelines for a privacy focussed intelligent home system.
Philips Research ∙ Internship ∙ 6 months

Usability research of speech interfaces in the Philips HomeLab.
Philips Research ∙ Internship ∙ 6 months